Afrique du Sud
Mine de platine et de nickel Platreef PGM
Propriété : Ivanhoe Mines 64 %
B-BBEE Partners 26 % | Consortium japonais dirigé par la société ITOCHU 10 %.
Platreef is the world's largest undeveloped precious metals project. It is a tier-one discovery of platinum-group metals, nickel, copper and gold by Ivanhoe Mines’ geologists on the Northern Limb of South Africa’s Bushveld Igneous Complex, the world’s premier platinum producing region. Platreef se distingue des autres projets du Bushveld par son mix remarquable de teneurs, d’épaisseurs, de géométries, d’échelle et de potentiel avec des retours de sous-produits de nickel et de cuivre significatifs.
Télécharger le plan de développement intégré
770 kt
Capacité de broyage du concentrateur de phase 1 de Platreef
4,1 mtpa
Capacité de traitement combinée totale des concentrateurs de phases 1 et 2
Production annuelle moyenne en onces de 3PE+Au en phase 2
2 693,2 tonnes
Base de ressources minérales 3PE+AU
2,7 mt
Ressources minérales du nickel
10,7 mtpa
Phase 3 expansion processing capacity as covered in 2025 Preliminary Economic Assessment
Construction of Phase 1 concentrator was completed early in the third quarter of 2024. Cold commissioning started in juillet 2024, with water being fed through the concentrator and first ore is scheduled for 2025. The concentrator will be placed on care and maintenance until Q4 2025, as Shaft #1 prioritizes the hoisting of waste from the development required to bring forward the start of Phase 2. Construction of the headframes for Shaft #2 and Shaft #3 are well advanced.
Two independent technical studies were completed in early 2025 on the Phase 2 and Phase 3 expansions at Platreef. This includes an updated Feasibility Study on the Phase 2 expansion to 4,1 Mtpa of processing capacity (4,1 Mtpa FS), followed by a Preliminary Economic Assessment covering a new Phase 3 expansion to 10,7 Mtpa of processing capacity (10,7 Mtpa PEA). See news Feb 18,2025, news release.
Construction of Platreef’s 5-MW solar power facility was completed in early Q1 2025. L’électricité produite par cette centrale servira à soutenir les activités de développement et les opérations, avec d’autres sources d’énergie renouvelable qui devraient être introduites au fil du temps.
Grâce à un développement progressif, Platreef Project devrait devenir un des producteurs de palladium (#palladium), platine, rhodium, nickel, cuivre et or les plus importants et les moins chers au monde.
Phase 1 & 2 Feasibility Study
The study outlines Phase 1 production from Q4 2025, followed by the Phase 2 expansion 2 years later in Q4 2027. Phase 2 delivers, as outlined in the 4,1 Mtpa FS, a near five-fold increase in platinum, palladium, nickel, rhodium, and gold production to over 460 000 oz. of 3PE+Au, plus approximately 9 000 tonnes of nickel and 6 000 tonnes of copper. The 4,1 Mtpa FS generates a net present value (NPV8%) of $1,4 billion and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 20%, at consensus long-term metal prices.
The Largest Undeveloped Precious Metals Deposits
Platreef is one of the largest undeveloped precious metals deposits globally, with 56 million oz in platinum equivalent Indicated Mineral Resources and 74 Moz in platinum equivalent Inferred Mineral Resources, at a 2,0 g/t 3PE+Au cut-off. Platreef is also one of the world’s largest undeveloped nickel sulphide resources.
2025 Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA)
The 10,7 Mtpa PEA considers the Phase 3 expansion once the major Shaft #2 is available for hoisting in 2029. This expansion further doubles the annualized platinum, palladium, rhodium, and gold production to over 1 million ounces of 3PE+Au, plus approximately 22 000 tonnes of nickel and 13 000 tonnes of copper. The 10,7 Mtpa PEA is expected to rank Platreef as one of the world’s largest primary platinum group metal producers on a platinum-equivalent basis.
Étude de faisabilité 2022 de Platreef, mars 2022
Plan de développement intégré 2020 de Platreef, décembre 2020
Étude de faisabilité 2017 de Platreef, septembre 2017
Platreef Project - Rapport technique 2016 relatif aux ressources, juin 2016
Platreef Project - Rapport technique NI 43-101 sur l’étude de préfaisabilité, janvier 2015